Monday, November 28, 2011

F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real

Everyday as Soldiers for the Lord we are bombed with information of every kind.  Much of it is to guide us away from God & into a New World Order.  The seeds are Atheism , Socialism ,Eugenics, Prosperity Gospel and many others.  While you hear unity, they are designed to promote F.E.A.R. in our lives. Like science although can be & his helpful at times--sometimes it seems science is the method by which man tries to hide his ignorance. To control us & lead us away from a heavenly Father that loves us...that wants to save us...and its leader is none other than satan...our sneaky enemy who injects all of this in this world a little @ a time. You can spot the false teaching if you sense self-ish-ness in the teaching. Most F.E.A.R. info teaches either there is no God or you can become your own god. We see it today everything from Socialistic programs where we tried to create the perfect human, to religions like mormonism where they teach they love Jesus Christ while teaching someday your going to be your own god on your own planet. All tricks of the devil to inject you with F.E.A.R.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 
1 Peter 5:8

We must be careful of F.E.A.R. false evidence appearing real.  There are even those that will preach in the name of Jesus Christ, and it will sound very convincining.  Satan will use any philosophy...any situation..any convince us Jesus is not the saviour and God is not real !  I know it can be tough...they make fun of you...sometimes you feel they are smarter than you...sometimes you just feel intimidated by there ideas & theories--SMOKE SCREEN !!! -- and they will get theirs when its all over Galations 5:10


You must know the bible 1 Peter 3:15 , people from all walks of life will come & try & warp the truth & gospel.  Know the 10 commandments...know the gospels...know as much about Jesus as you can.  They will try to trick you, trap you, TURN the word upside down on you.  Stand firm & courageous 1Corinthians 16:13 in the faith of your Lord Jesus Christ.  Remember your ultimate weapon to defend is the bible it will expose the truth from the lies. Your ulitimate protection is the Lord of the angel armies Psalm 23:4 is close beside you...he is your comforter.

Remember--Stay alert...stand your ground...know your sword (bible) and stay close to the Lord...and you will have no F.E.A.R.

if you don’t Jesus as your Lord & saviour, as your comforter..then you are not protected in this war, and a world of lies that will lead you to death.  Please before you leave this page go to the “steps 2b saved” tab and pray the me for questions & prayers..or talk to someone you know who knows Jesus...but dont go further without Jesus..or asking for more info.

* special thanks to Dale Simmons on the F.E.A.R.--thanks soldier

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation Use discernment (Acts 17:11, 1 Thes. 5:21).

B.A.T.T.L.E. O.F. S.O.U.L.S.

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