Tuesday, January 16, 2024


📖 Psalm 23:1-6 NLT

The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need. 2. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. 3. He renews my strength. He guides me along the right paths, bringing honor to his name. 4. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. 5. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. 6. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.

🔷️ LORD IS MY SHEPHERD = Sheep need a Shepherd.  To care for them, to guide them, to protect them, to restore them, to redeem them.  Why, because Sheep are not very wise on their own.  I hate to say it, as I am one also, but Sheep are dumb.  Here are some interesting facts about sheep and how we compare to them.


  • Sheep are incredibly caring mothers who form deep bonds with their babies.

  • They have long-term memories, just like humans can remember individuals for many years at a time. 

  • The self-medicate.  When not feeling well they will seek out plants and substances that make them feel better. Just like humans do.

Why was the Lord chosen to shepherd the flock because He loves them John 10:11 tells us the Great Shepherd sacrifices his life for sheep. When the wolves come for the sheep Jesus stands in the way of them. He does not run from them, he does not hide from them.  The wolves do not come into the pasture and destroy.  This only happens when the sheep wander out. (Isaiah 53:6) [ He cared for them. He fed them, he led them, and he protected them ]

  • He shepherds us when we are young and when we are old. 

  • Sheep that go astray and turned from Christ   📖 Isaiah 53:6 || Return to Jesus  📖 1 Peter 2:25   📖 Psalms 119:176

🖲 I SHALL NOT WANT … =  God Provides as we reside in him. * CONTENTMENT *

  • 📖 Proverbs 3:25-26 tells us we need not be afraid of what is in the world as Jesus keeps us safe from evil schemes IF we live in God’s wisdom we will have peace of mind.  

 ðŸ”·️ WHAT DOES JESUS PROVIDE US?  📖 Isaiah 12:2 

  • Salvation = found only in Jesus 📖 Acts 4:12 | who is the only way 📖 John 14:6

  • Love = only Jesus could give when he exchanged his life for yours.  📖 John 15:13

  • Mercy =  Jesus had compassion on us 📖 Luke 6:36 and ask us to do the same 📖 Luke 10:37

  • Courage = Jesus set the example of Courage when he accepted his fate in the Garden of Gethsemane 📖 Matt. 26:35-56, Mark 14:32-52, Luke 22:39-53, John 18:1-12. | Jesus provides the calmness in the middle of life storm.  📖 Matthew 14:27-28

  • Strength = In a time of weakness, Jesus is our strength 📖 2 Corinthians 12:9 

B.A.T.T.L.E. O.F. S.O.U.L.S.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Perfect Christmas Gift?

The Perfect Christmas Gift?

So here we are its winter time….and if you are in Phoenix like I am your thankful for the cooler temperatures.   It’s also the “Christmas Season”.  A time of snowball fights, and shopping trips, family, and friends ,and past year reflections.  Yep, that’s right shopping, that what Christmas time is all about….. gift giving….right?  I mean LQQK around….that is what we are bombarded with all month long.  Am I saying that gift giving is wrong….NO.  When you give gifts to your children…they open them up on Christmas morning…you see that surprise…the smile….the joy….it's wonderful and you want more and can’t get enough.  That’s what God feels on a grander scale when we open Gifts he give us……..God love gift giving.

….Soooo what gifts does God like to give ???—JESUS…who was there before creation began, and took part in creating YOU. (Gen.1:26) (Gen.3:22) (John 1:1-2). God loved us so much despite our disobedience (sin) to Him.. God loved us so much He sent His only son to save us (John 3:16) despite rejecting Him. Jesus stepped out of Heaven (no time), and walk the land(in time), and walked with us, and ate with us, and it was God….made….man (John1:14).

Jesus…God’s Christmas Gift to us….born in the poor town of Bethlehem.  When all the hotels & motels were  booked solid because the census by the Roman government was more a priority…..So as the contractions grew closer…options for housing became limited.  There was the stable….dirty…dingy ….dark…no doubt a humbling experience for a King. So there is where Jesus would be born….born so He could  teach us….born so He could be-friend us…. Born to die for us…Born so He could rescue and save us.
In his earthly ministry, Jesus gave up is spiritual protection in the desert to be tempted by satan, in the same way we would be tempted by satan.   satan new who Jesus was,  and I’m sure he showed no mercy on Jesus…and I can’t possibly imagine how hard it was to go through that time. It was war.... Satan wanted the world---God wanted your love and it was all up to Jesus...... Jesus went through other temptations…He went through others trying to trick him….to trap him….and a close friend who would betray him….they would mock him by trial…. when He said He is the King…they were in denial….they charged Him…convicted Him…sentence Him, crucify Him….. He would die.  In their hearts they were at a loss….as they put Him on the Cross, where  Jesus paid the cost.  Jesus beat all of satan’s trickery, when He died  at calvary in eternal Victory.

Jesus always came out perfect…God wanted perfection it was the only way to rid the sin…to offer forgiveness…to offer salvation….so Jesus could offer you the true Christmas gift.  So the children could be  restored with the father…God…that we can be in His family…He built a home for you there through His son Jesus.   A place that never allows hate…lies…hurt….pain ever…ever again.  A place of true family and friends…where you  will know what true friendship is.

So this Christmas when your shopping for the perfect gift that you don’t have.  You will find it under God’s tree (foot of the cross)’ll see it at the bottom of the tree ,you may have to get on your knees to reach it….while you’re their…. leave all your sin and pain their…its ok…God will take them…as you take His gift.  This Gift you were given from under God’s tree needs no exchange policy…no batteries, and never breaks down or expires.  The Gift of Eternal life=salvation will be the best gift you ever received…..THE PERFECT GIFT--and after you receive it…you will want to help someone else to get this gift…it’s meant to be shared…..It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving…

Click on the "steps 2B Saved"  tab above to learn how you can get the perfect Gift
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation Use discernment (Acts 17:11, 1 Thes. 5:21).

B.A.T.T.L.E. O.F. S.O.U.L.S.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

America Broken

week in the war 12-11 to 12-17-11
A weekly look @ events around the world and how they tie into the bible...christians...the lost.

America Broken
The United States of America, is my home, is home to many others, and a country i served for in the military....a country i still dearly love.  A country however in much much much need of much prayer.
In news this week:   

Congress & the White House think its pretty o.k. to shut down the web on you.  --
As you will read in the story it of course is for a good cause cracking down on cyber attacks, but giving this power to homeland security, in my mind is another way for the u.s. gov’t to spy on us.  Where is our freedom to have privacy ?? what freedoms are next ? ...could it be the freedom to....

KEEP Cutting away @ the U.S. constitution and our rights;lst;1 . In reading this article you will see that again labeled for a good cause under the flag of fighting terrorism.  However i don’t see anything good about subverting  the 6th amendment to the constitution.  This feels like the take away of our rights under due process & feels like their cutting away the u.s. constitutions a little at a time.  All the while Americans FEEL AN ONGOING FEAR THAT  BIG GOV’T IN AMERICA IS ON THE RISE ...and why not--- here is what their doing now..

A judge is set to hear arguments Tuesday about whether the federal government has the right to restrict teenage girls' access to a generic version of Plan B, also known as the "morning after" pill.....
and this right here shows me where we are headed...when courts are actually considering ok or not ok for minors-girls who are still in high school, under mom  & dad’s bills  get to decide for themselves to take the excuse & cover up pill--moral solid Godly ground says NOT @ALL! but the courts give more power to kids & take it away from the parents everyday--too much erosion of our countries morality. .....Meanwhile....
The Number of Christians declining...The Number of people who just believe in God...also declining:
While those Americans who are unaffiliated with any particular religion have seen the greatest growth in numbers as a result of changes . The survey finds that the number of people who say they are unaffiliated with any particular faith today (16.1%) is more than double the number who say they were not affiliated with any particular religion as children. Among Americans ages 18-29, one-in-four say they are not currently affiliated with any particular religion. 1 in 4 do not believe in GOD.

If there was ever a time you might be wondering if this Nation really needed to pray...that time was  tomorrow.  We used to be the beacon of light to the world. That is eroding away each day we stick God & moral courage in the drawer or under the bed, or locked away.-- a great man summed it up right “Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.”Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004) **** MORAL COURAGE***
God said it like this  I called you to live holy lives (moral), not impure lives 1Thess4.7\    The bible goes on to say if we refuse to live this way, we reject God!! 1Thess4.8. We are also starting to reject protecting Israel.. a move the bible warns against. Isa 60.12.
The bible says God will bless the nation who make Him their Lord, He will give them joy Ps33.12.  .

Let’s repent to God on behalf of our nation and bring back the joy..not an american broken.
This as been a week in the war.
If you dont know Jesus as your personal saviour--friend--then i would hope you would click above on the steps 2B saved tab.  Read...pray...surrender...this world can’t rescue you. Once saved find a christian friend...a local bible believing church tell someone you defeated the devil.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation Use discernment (Acts 17:11, 1 Thes. 5:21).

B.A.T.T.L.E. O.F. S.O.U.L.S.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Full Assurance In The Heart  is what every soldier in Christ should carry with them everyday, its one of the 6 tools found in Ephesians 6 to protect yourselves with in the battle of souls needed to be saved.

Now what is F.A.I.T.H.?  It should be absolute confidence without being condescending. “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. “  Hebrews 11:1

In our daily walk we should be ready & prepared to share the good news of Jesus with anybody.  It could be anywhere, and at anytime.  At the sametime you have the evil one lurking around, just waiting & watching.  He will try and shoot arrows of doubt, and bombs of F.E.A.R at you. Keep your F.A.I.T.H. your Full Assurance In The Heart.   Again as in the  F.E.A.R. blog earlier you must know your bible 1 Peter 3:15, or your sword. The Bible will aid & help to  cause the arrows to deflect & the bombs to fizzle out.  Learn these verses: 1 Corinthians 2:5   1 John 5:4  1 Corinthians 16:13 , also read Hebrews Chap. 1, and there are many, many more verses on faith that you will discover when reading your sword.  

When we serve Jesus, there will be good times of joy and wonder and victory in the fight.  There will also be times of sadness & sorrow & defeat when the battle is not going the way you prayed or hoped.  That’s when the arrows strike and that’s when you deploy your F.A.I.T.H. your Full Assurance In The Heart.  Your time with God in prayer....your time in fellowship with believers and ongoing training at your local battalion (church), and your ongoing study in the bible.  I assure you the more of the bible you read & learn, the stronger your F.A.I.T.H. will be.  Also looking for a good energy recharge to start your day...have some quiet time with the Lord before you do anything else. “Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love” 1 Corinthians 13:13

If you dont know Jesus Christ as your saviour, your best friend.  Please scroll back up & click on steps 2-B saved  tab. again & pray again as needed but i pray & hope you will invite Jesus into your heart.  He loves you...He wants to be your friend...He’s knocking....He is waiting for you to open the door Rev. 3:20   Research the bible 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For the Saints & For the Lamb !!!  


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation Use discernment (Acts 17:11, 1 Thes. 5:21).

B.A.T.T.L.E. O.F. S.O.U.L.S.

Monday, November 28, 2011

F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real

Everyday as Soldiers for the Lord we are bombed with information of every kind.  Much of it is to guide us away from God & into a New World Order.  The seeds are Atheism , Socialism ,Eugenics, Prosperity Gospel and many others.  While you hear unity, they are designed to promote F.E.A.R. in our lives. Like science although can be & his helpful at times--sometimes it seems science is the method by which man tries to hide his ignorance. To control us & lead us away from a heavenly Father that loves us...that wants to save us...and its leader is none other than satan...our sneaky enemy who injects all of this in this world a little @ a time. You can spot the false teaching if you sense self-ish-ness in the teaching. Most F.E.A.R. info teaches either there is no God or you can become your own god. We see it today everything from Socialistic programs where we tried to create the perfect human, to religions like mormonism where they teach they love Jesus Christ while teaching someday your going to be your own god on your own planet. All tricks of the devil to inject you with F.E.A.R.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 
1 Peter 5:8

We must be careful of F.E.A.R. false evidence appearing real.  There are even those that will preach in the name of Jesus Christ, and it will sound very convincining.  Satan will use any philosophy...any situation..any convince us Jesus is not the saviour and God is not real !  I know it can be tough...they make fun of you...sometimes you feel they are smarter than you...sometimes you just feel intimidated by there ideas & theories--SMOKE SCREEN !!! -- and they will get theirs when its all over Galations 5:10


You must know the bible 1 Peter 3:15 , people from all walks of life will come & try & warp the truth & gospel.  Know the 10 commandments...know the gospels...know as much about Jesus as you can.  They will try to trick you, trap you, TURN the word upside down on you.  Stand firm & courageous 1Corinthians 16:13 in the faith of your Lord Jesus Christ.  Remember your ultimate weapon to defend is the bible it will expose the truth from the lies. Your ulitimate protection is the Lord of the angel armies Psalm 23:4 is close beside you...he is your comforter.

Remember--Stay alert...stand your ground...know your sword (bible) and stay close to the Lord...and you will have no F.E.A.R.

if you don’t Jesus as your Lord & saviour, as your comforter..then you are not protected in this war, and a world of lies that will lead you to death.  Please before you leave this page go to the “steps 2b saved” tab and pray the me for questions & prayers..or talk to someone you know who knows Jesus...but dont go further without Jesus..or asking for more info.

* special thanks to Dale Simmons on the F.E.A.R.--thanks soldier

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation Use discernment (Acts 17:11, 1 Thes. 5:21).

B.A.T.T.L.E. O.F. S.O.U.L.S.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

“ Christian Soldier’s Prayer “

As Christian soldiers, draw strength from your commander in Chief King Jesus, and all His mighty power.  Be Alert and ready for battle as the evil one has made war on the saints. Take care to fight against Satan's army, praying also for the battle fought in the heaven above allowing time for the lost to find there way to God's camp. And so soldiers be ready for the attack, tighten up on the truth, protecting it with your given body armor of God's righteousness, while conducting peace missions toward the loss trapped behind enemy lines. As Satan fire is rockets of doubt & destruction, take courage in your defense system of faith.  Finally secure your helmet of God's knowledge for it hold never-ending power, and cut down the enemy with the sword of the spirit.
Click on the “steps 2b saved” tab above to  learn how you can join the greatest army in the universe
B.A.T.T.L.E. O.F. S.O.U.L.S.

Monday, November 21, 2011


*** Water 4 Winors ***
“There was no water for the people to drink at that place, so they rebelled against Moses and Aaron.The people blamed Moses and said, “If only we had died in the LORD’s presence with our brothers! Why have you brought the congregation of the LORD’s people into this wilderness to die, along with all our livestock?” Numbers 20:2-4)  
I love sunday school, and the messages i re-learn from God’s word. This one is now different about the Israelites that God rescued from Egypt. They were set to get the promise land until they lost their trust in God. So God decided to have them wander for 40yrs, until that generation died off. READ NUMBERS 14).

Skipping ahead.....Here we are with the next generation of those Israelites, and here they have come full circle, back where they started from 40 yrs ago.  Also water...they don’t like the food, and showing their lack of trust for God.  While  all this time they were getting the manna from heaven, and there physical needs were met.Let's not forget that God rescued them from the hand of Pharaoh, and from his rule of them in slavery. Instead of thankfulness for freedom, they think they were better off dying with the last generation.  Spoiled?... ask yourself today when you read this story..are we somewhat like them? Are we spoiled ?? Could it be worse in our lives?
in the process of this thinking ask yourselves this Christians-- Are we setting a good example for the lost around us?, remember they are watching are every move whether you think so or not. Maybe your now thinking--I can't be perfect, they see my flaws, i won't be effective.....So how can we be a good witness, and show our King our gratitude ?

So how can we be a good witness, and show our King our gratitude ?

(1) Pray for the Mission the Messiah has for you. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to GodPhilippians 4:6
(2) Deliver that Mission: Spread the news that Jesus saves: For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day John 6:40
(3) Draw all your needed energy for the mission from the Messiah: but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Instead of complaining...lets compliment...God....let him know that you are so thankful that it's not worse.  Take what he has given you, and multiply it. Read the Parable of the 3 servants (Matthew 25:14-28) . Lets be greatful for our 5 talents...2 talents or even our little 1 talent.  Jesus told us what we do well with the little he gives us, how much more in heaven he will put us in charge of?? ask your selves..
If you dont know Jesus...He wants to know you...give up the attitude of this world, and you will get the gratitude of thee King..everlasting life in him on the “steps 2b saved” tab above...then watch the gospel video to the right.... please email me anytime @  i would like to pray for you find a church home...answer a question.  If your in phoenix area..stop by or watch Calvary Community Church. online we would love to see you.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the  Holy Bible, NLT  or ESV Translation Use discernment (Acts 17:11, 1 Thes. 5:21).

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